Tuesday, June 24, 2014

the spin...

The spin. When it gets easier, you shift up. When it gets harder, you shift down. What do you do when you’re on a ss or direct drive?

Adjust your pedaling.

What happens when you ‘run out’?  When your pedaling meets the gear ratio that you currently have set up?  When you physically cannot rotate the pedals any harder or faster? 

Enjoy it.

A perfect Zen experience. Where there is no emotion. There is no positive or negative emotion being put into the pedaling experience. Just the spin.

Where your legs, feet, pedals and cranks are all working as one. You begin to float. Your pedal stroke is perfect. You reach a point of enlightenment. Of peace.

This same experience may happen during meditation. During an experience; whatever that experience may be. When all desire melts away. When all judgment melts away. Where there is no positive karma put into it. Where there is no negative karma put into it. When the experience is experienced as the experience, and not something that we put into it.

We may even find a little Nirvana here, right now.  But we know what happens; as Buddhist, as single speed riders…

We hit that small gradiant, a hill…and that perfect pedal stroke is gone. We must put effort and emotion into that stroke. That experience.

Here’s to the perfect spin.


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